Case Study: City of Columbus
City of Columbus Begins Using New Online Platform to Automate Permitting Process for Events and Festivals
March 31, 2021
COLUMBUS – The City of Columbus has started to use a new platform to make it easier for organizations and residents to apply for permits to host festivals, races, marine events, block parties and film within Columbus. The new platform that will be used by the City, Eproval, was developed to manage the processing of event permits in local government event offices. Eproval allows people applying for festivals and events to have real-time visibility to see the status of their permit. It also automatically facilitates approvals between City administrators, which will allow applications to hold events to be processed more efficiently.

“As a technology-forward city, we are committed to focusing on the customer experience,” said Mayor Andrew Ginther. “Throughout the last two years, we have realized how important our City’s festivals and special events are. We are excited to welcome back events and festivals around the City, and Eproval will make it easier than ever for organizations to apply for permits and track where those applications are in the approval process. This latest implementation will save applicants time, reduce input errors and improve transparency and communication for reviewers and approvers.”
“Thanks to the leadership of Mayor Ginther and the City, residents of Columbus will now enjoy a permitting process that is smarter, more efficient, transparent, collaborative and ultimately more satisfying for applicants, reviewers and approvers,” said Eproval’s Managing Director Jonathan Thompson.
Eproval is currently available to use online to apply to hold festivals, races, marine events, block parties and film in Columbus. Apply for your next event here:
Learn more about Eproval at
For more information, please contact:
Stephanie Garling
Columbus Recreation and Parks Department
614-204-2695 (cell)
Jonathan Thompson
Managing Director, Eproval
jonathan @