Survey Module

Eproval’s Survey Module is a robust tool for collecting information from event organizers, city staff or public agencies. Whether you wish to gather feedback on the permitting process, perform a safety audit, or assess economic impact, this tool can be used to conduct internal or external surveys. Plus, with Eproval’s flexible platform you can use the Survey Module to score grant applications, gather input from partnering agencies, or create and enforce policies.

Eproval Survey Module

Gather economic impact data

Successful events drive economic activity and cities need to know what positive impact shows, festivals or large-scale events have had on the local economy. Use Eproval’s Survey Module to gather feedback from event organizers on ticket sales or obtain feedback from public agencies on costs for street closures, security personnel or health and safety measures. If events have a customer service element such as parking, wait times or line-ups, Eproval’s survey module can be used to collect and benchmark customer service metrics.

Conduct Public Safety Surveys

After an event has concluded administrators can use Eproval’s Survey Module to collect details on how closely safety protocols were followed. Information can be gathered on the timeliness of setup and tear-down, city property damage, sound disturbances, street closures, electrical safety, unpermitted alcohol, changes to the event footprint, clean-up or any other safety concerns. Records can then be used to inform future permitting decisions and to minimize risks.
Eproval helps gathering feedback from different departments and agencies

Gather feedback on grant applications

Eproval’s flexible platform is ideal for managing grant applications and assisting in the evaluation process. Once applicants have applied for grants, administrators can use the Survey Module to gather feedback from all stakeholders involved in the decision-making process and use the Scheduled Notifications Module to remind recipients of their ongoing reporting requirements.

Ensure job responsibilities are completed

Eproval clients are creative in all the ways in which they use the Survey Module. In addition to conducting traditional surveys, some customers use the Survey Module as a follow-up tool to ensure internal workflows and job responsibilities are being completed on-time and within budget.

Just ask us!

Eproval can be customized to manage all types of applications, permits licenses and approvals. Our robust platform is incredibly flexible and can be used for a variety of purposes. If you have something in mind, don’t be shy, just ask us.