Eproval drives enhanced engagement for special event permitting
Cloud-based platform improves visibility and collaboration for applicants, reviewers and approvers
Engagement is at the heart of every special event permit approval. When engagement is missing the process breaks down, takes longer or results in ill-informed decisions. But it need not be that way. A cloud-based platform can facilitate collaboration amongst city reviewers, approvers and external agencies such as police, fire, sanitation and engineering – and improved collaboration has been shown to drive engagement.
Informed approvals require city administrators to work closely with their colleagues across multiple departments and external agencies. Real-time visibility into application status and richer communication with collaborators provides better context with which to make decisions. When applicants and reviewers are engaged in the permitting process they make superior decisions and act quickly.
For efficient approvals, administrators in the special event office need to collaborate with multiple internal departments and external agencies during the permitting process. Cloud-based systems, such as Eproval, feature easy-to-use software that improves communication. According to an Eproval customer survey, prior to implementing the platform, 65% of applications had gaps in communication. But Eproval can drive engagement for those in the approval chain by facilitating online collaboration between the event office, internal departments and external agencies. For example, real-time alerts, notes and memos offer real-time visibility into the status of approved and pending permit applications.
In addition to driving improved visibility for reviewers and approvers, Eproval also enhances engagement for applicants. By providing visibility into where permits are in the approval chain, applicants can better plan, inform suppliers and update their event staff. Enhanced communication between internal departments and the applicant also prevents the need for constant updates. With a few simple clicks of the mouse, Eproval allows administrators to email all applicants or alternatively filter out those who do not meet certain criteria. For example, if administrators need to contact applicants who have secured a special event permit for a 5k run in the past two years, they can simply export a list from the database and send them a timely update. Constant communication allows cities to stay ahead, build trust and develop stronger relationships with applicants.
In the absence of a platform to facilitate collaboration, administrators in the special event office must spend several hours in meetings with multiple internal departments and external agencies discussing whether to approve events. If events are given approval, considerations must be made for what safety requirements must be met. These meetings may not be productive for all attendees and cost cities dearly in terms of lost productivity. Using an automated platform eliminates the need for endless meetings, provides visibility to all, but only requires action from those essential to the approval chain. In fact, a survey of Eproval clients showed that implementing the cloud-based solution saved an average of 2.5 hours of meetings for every application processed.
While other e-permitting platforms may offer some level of automation, Eproval is the ideal solution because it was developed in response to the specific needs of special event offices. Other large eGov workarounds struggle to deliver the same level of collaboration. The Eproval team has worked closely with cities to understand the permitting process and have developed a unique solution in direct response to city needs. There is simply no other purpose-built solution that offers the same flexibility, ease of use and rapid implementation. That also explains why cities are sole-sourcing Eproval as the special event permitting platform of choice.
Click HERE for a demo of how Eproval can help you drive enhanced engagement in your permitting process.