Special Event Permitting ROI Survey 2019 Contact InfoCity*Name* First Last Email* Survey results will be sent to the email address you provide above. None of your responses will be attributable to your email address. Survey1. In your organization, which department is responsible for issuing special event permits? Event Office Parks & Recreation Police Department Mayor’s Office 2. How many special event permit applications did your organization process in 2018?3. How many special event permit applications did your organization process in 2019?4. Do you anticipate more, less or the same number of applications in 2020? More applications Less applications Same amount of applications Unsure 5. On average, how many hours does the approving department spend in meetings with event organizers, other departments and agencies when processing one permit application...Before you started using Eproval?(# hours per permit application)Now that you're using Eproval?(# hours per permit application)6. From the time a special event application is entered into the review and approval process to the time the permit is issued, how many days (on average) does it take to issue a special event permit... (NOTE: We recognize that some applications may be received well in advance of an event to secure a future date (e.g. a year prior). Please only account for the time from when the application is actually under review by the approving department.)Before you started using Eproval?(# days)Now that you're using Eproval?(# days)7. Does your organization charge an administration fee for processing and issuing a special event permit (this should NOT include other fees such as venue rentals)? Yes No If "Yes", what is the administration fee? $1 - $50 $51 - $100 $101 - $150 $151 - $200 $201 - $300 More than $300 If "No", why not?8. Please provide any additional comments.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Call us 1.855.787.2228 Email info@eproval.com FollowFollowFollow